What Are Some Signs Of Carbon Monoxide Hazards With Faulty Furnaces And Gas Appliances? Normally, most fuel-burning equipment (natural gas, gasoline, propane, fuel oil and wood) produces little carbon monoxide when properly installed and serviced. However, when venting is improperly installed or there is a shortage of oxygen to the burner, carbon monoxide can build up to dangerous levels. The symptoms can be mild or severe, depending on the level of exposure. Suspicious Smells The smells of burning fuel are one of the most common indications that there are problems with your furnace or gas appliances. These can be dangerous and... View Article
Are you considering purchasing wood burning stove? If so, this guide will help you purchase the right one because you will know exactly what to look for. It may not be easy to select the right stove since there are so many for sale. You need to consider several things, including size, freestanding, and much more. Tips for Purchasing a Wood-Burning Stove This wood stove checklist should help you feel confident in purchasing your very own wood burning stove. Choosing the Right Size Purchasing the right wood stove is important. Wood stoves are available as small as 3 and as... View Article
Fireplaces are both attractive features and practical additions to homes. Advancements in gas fireplaces have also made these warm, inviting, and highly-sought home additions easier than ever to own and install. What gas fireplaces also have in common, however, is gas fireplace venting options, and you’ll want to have the right one for your home’s warmest attraction. If you are in the market to buy a gas fireplace, consider the pros and cons of these four available venting options. Gas Fireplace Venting Options The advancements in gas fireplaces have resulted in more flexible, attractive, and accessible fireplace additions. Along with these... View Article
Have you ever visited a family member or friend’s house and been completely miserable because it was too hot or cold? Were some of the guests comfortable when you were uncomfortable? That problem, unfortunately, exists in many households, as not all family members have the same temperature regulation process or needs. A zoned heated/cooling system can rid your home of that problem and ensure that everyone in the household is comfortable. Here’s some information about those systems and how they can help you and your family. What Is Zoned Heating and Cooling? Zoned heating and cooling is a revolutionary system that... View Article
There are a lot of questions that we receive at Alaska Fire and Flue LLC. from customers about the products that we offer. Thus, we want to ensure those customers are fully informed about what they get when they do business with us. The more details we provide to them, the better they understand what they receive from us, which is precisely what we want. Radiant and Convective Heat Fireplaces produce two different types of heat. These are radiant and convective heat. Both types of heat can serve a specific purpose, and it is best if you understand what that type of heat is... View Article